Welcome to Associate Professor Wendy Roussin's Example Website
CO 3713: Digital Communication

Students will create a sample home page like this one. All assignments (projects and exercises) will be linked from this page.

Please place a paragraph of information about yourself. Include items such as college major/emphasis, career plans, personal hobbies, etc... After the end of the paragraph, please place a picture of yourself on the page and include a caption (use the class '.caption'). Somewhere in this paragraph you must use the class '.italic' to emphasize a word or phrase by using italic text.

One of my recent encaustic photograghs
© Wendy Roussin, 2023.

My favorite website is the NY Times because I love news.

Links to my Assignments:
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Exercise 5

Character Site

Please email me at wroussin@comm.msstate.edu with any questions

All students need to include a disclaimer (use the class '.disclaimer) indicating that all work posted on this site is created for CO 3713: Digital Communication by NAME (add your name)The views and opinions expressed on this and following pages are strictly those of the page author or organization. The contents of this page have not been reviewed or approved by Mississippi State University.